The Country

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SonicRose's avatar
So, Election day is coming up fast. I gotta say, Obama looks clean cut and is a very smooth talker. But that's where any flattery for the snake oil salesman ends. I really recommend that people look at the issues and make informed decisions. One of the worst traits that humans possess is being crowd followers...

I used to be one. I gladly would have voted for Clinton, had I been old enough to vote at the time, because he "looked good and cared about the environment." I didn't know the content of his character. As a matter of record, a lot of his policies and actions or inactions allowed for the setup of what is now known to Americans as 9/11. Yes people, Nine Eleven.

I love this country and the freedom I have here, but as I grow older, I see things choking and stagnating it. It swings around Political correctness and double standards.

-Racial superiority is wrong and unbiblical as well. We are all "One Blood", all human. Answers in Genisis has a book on the subject as a matter of fact, a book by the same name. May I remind people that it was White men here in America who put an end to slavery in America, and have fought for and with them for Equal rights. Not superior rights, for equality. All souls are valuable to the Lord

-Ideological equality is not something that is possible. The idea that all ideas are equally valid is madness. We have beliefs and ideals because we, key word... believe them. Some things are just yes or no, and you can't believe both at the same time any more than you can look two directions at once.

-Biased Media posing as being unbiased. TV, Movies, but News papers and News Broadcasts in particular seem extra critical of trivial matters rather than important ones. I remember when they were saying certainly that John Kerry would be president; before the polls were closed from one end of the country to the other. Now they're in the tank for Obama. Biased much? Yes.

I know who I'm going to vote for, and it's not because he represents all my values, because he doesn't. I'm afraid he won't do as good a job as I want, but I know in my heart he is a better man than a slick talking snake oil salesmen. Oh, by the way, we have a lawn sign for the candidate that we won't put up because my mom is afraid we'd get lynched or something because of it. Dad and I are concerned about potential vandalism. We've had American flags stolen, and seen people with bashed bumpers last big election cycle when people put up Bush stickers on their cars.

There's always going to be people will ill intentions no matter what, and there's been wrong done on both sides of the political fence... but please people... get educated. Look past face value and find out about the issues.

I offer this link -…

I also offer this bit of economics. It has to do with Obama and McCain's tax plans. Repeatedly, Obama has mentioned the magic number of tax cuts for people making $250,000 a year or less. He says that "most small businesses" make $250 or less. That simply is not true. He is also for increasing taxes on people who make more than that. As McCain has mentioned,  businesses here in America face a 35% tax already which is higher than other places that only charge 11%... Is it any wonder that jobs want to go elsewhere?

-Reducing taxes on people making $250 or less a year will, in the short run, give people like me a hefty refund. It looks really good on paper. But I don't pay anyone's salary. But if 4 of me were working for a company making $250k a year, we'd be sucking up a lot of that money (nobody's said if that figure was gross or net btw)

-A simple Mom and Pop type electronic stores make 7 Million a year and aren't considered "Big Business".

I work for an actual "Big Business". We're encouraged to check our hours constantly to make sure we aren't staying overtime. Just 5 extra minutes for everyone in the store for a week would cost $3000 extra to the company.

We get rewarded for our time and efforts every now and then with a bonus on our check... except Uncle Sam took $250 of my $480 bonus because the Bonus put me into a higher tax bracket than I normally would have had on my check. I should've been paid around $80 more the following check for holiday pay and honestly, it was approximately $100 less than the check I got for my bonus. I got penalized for having a higher income, even though it wasn't a sustainable, regular income. How is this fair? (note; rhetorical question. It isn't)

I understand that if you make more, you should pay more, but why such a radical jump? If I make too much money (gross), suddenly my (net) pay is chopped down? I'm sorry... that doesn't exactly encourage me to go out and make more money. That means, maybe I should make less money so I keep more of what I earn?

McCain's tax plan gives tax breaks to businesses who, keyword, EMPLOY THE MASSES. And yes, they 'reward' companies that send jobs overseas. They reward them so the jobs they have here, stay here. So that, if they lower them enough, building a factory in China or Seoul suddenly won't seem as profitable as setting up shop in good ol' hometown USA.

People don't understand what's good for them sometimes, like a kid doesn't understand that mom and dad are right about eating your veggies or bundling up when it's cold.

Please don't buy into the propaganda... People, you are not slaves, this is not the Civil War. This is not the Civil Rights Movement... You're not Slaves, You're Not Victims. Stop acting like you need handouts to stand on your own two feet. The government will only wipe your ass if you wade through hours of paper, and they won't do it gently either. Our rights are in danger because we let people get elected who keep taking them, and when things get bad they point fingers at the people who tried to stop it and say "Elect us, and we will help you poor, you tired souls!" Well, I'm sick of it.

I want a slice of the American pie, but instead of Socialist, Communist pie that gives everyone a tiny slice of a shrinking, unsustainable pie... I want a small slice of the biggest dang pie America can make; the Capitalist way! Some people get a bigger slice, so what? Here in America, even the small slices come with running water and Cable TV.

In my eyes, the Democrat party throws us fish and when the fish run out, they want us to go back for more. The money for these fish comes from somewhere and its our own pockets. Our own Taxes.

The Republican party proposes more tax cuts and encourages us to learn how to Fish. Less taxes means I can spend more to help grow businesses, and if I do well enough, I might just own my own... My own house, my own business, who knows? I can do, I will do. This is the American way... We have a mobile system here..

The rich can become poor, the poor can become rich. The middle class can rise or fall... But wherever civilizations are wealthy, even the poor do well.

Do I need to start on Joe the Plumber?

Toledo is a very liberal town in Ohio, and is not very small business friendly. I know this first hand, as my dad used to own one. (He was actually under 250K a year, but he was self employed; a business of One employee, and never made near 250k. He was never able to afford insurance either, but that's another topic.) Just north of us in Michigan, they were, as of a couple years ago, rated in the top 10 cities for being small business friendly. The result? More small businesses and more income. Around here, there's a lot more chain stores (which are loathed by the same people said to be for the small businesses and against big business.)

What really benefits "The Little Guy"?

-Lower taxes for their employers means more little guys can be employed.

-Lower minimum wage means they have a higher Payroll limit. Oh yes, minimum wage hurts The "Little Guy". First off, people were never meant to live on minimum wage. Second, most of the people who would be in min wage jobs would be in what are generally called "Starter jobs". Like, say, flipping burgers for a summer to help finance your first car?

But if someone is required to pay as much for a starting nobody as someone who's much more qualified then...

-Lighten up and let us drill domestically for oil and other natural resources. The technology we have already makes getting at those resources far more precise and surgical, for all you nature lovers out there. Also, the technology for "going green" may be here or in refinement and coming, but the benefits can't be -forced-. Already we see an increase in the price of corn and meat because of ethenol. (ethinol?) Requiring it in our oil supply means that more corn is being utilized for that rather than feeding people and livestock, so -naturally- the price goes up. So what about solar, wind, biodeisal and others? Fine, but when they become more refined and the costs and benefits become more apparent then they will become more desirable and become naturally incorporated into homes and businesses.

You need to understand supply and demand, the driving force of all business. When Government interferes and tries to artificially control it, things go bad.

-Artificial Control: Back in the 70s, the government artificially stagnated the price of oil. This kept the demand high, but the supply low; the result? Long long lines at the pump.

-Free Market: In the 80s's Ronald Reagen privatized the US postal service. (Feel free to groan here about it, but they always seem to deliver plenty of SPAM and get my bills through. Ha.. ha... *cough*) It was at a deficit (negative income, in debt) before that, and though the price of the postage stamp seems to have gotten out of hand, the Postal service actually makes a profit now. (shock surprise)

Look... Sadaam Hussein had a nice smile, so did Hitler. You can easily find pictures of their happy smiling mugs; and look at their dress uniforms; Military's finest. Those are dictators. They smile, tell people what they want to hear, and stab them in the back.

The Manchurian Candidate is here, folks, and he smiles just as wide. Don't fall for a smile with venomous policies, I beg and implore you. If you can't find it in yourself to vote for McCain, at least don't vote for Obama. Wolf in sheep's clothing.

This is how I feel, and I'm holding back, but I needed at least one good political tirade before the election.

While I do expect flames, please keep things civil.


While I still have rights,

I pledge allegiance
To the flag
Of the United States of America,
And to the Republic
For which it stands,
One Nation,
Under God,
With Liberty
And Justice
For All.

-I'm proud to be an American,
where at least I know I'm free,
and I won't forget the men who died
and gave that right to me,
And I'll gladly stand up...
Next to you and defend her still today
'Cause there aint no doubt I love this land
God Bless the USA.
© 2008 - 2024 SonicRose
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Realm-Of-The-Shadows's avatar
And if they flame you, i look forward to destroying them with cited sources,

problem is, defeating a true democratic ego may push that brainwashed individual to suicide, seeing as how ive never met a democrat who can accept when he's beaten.
(Obadiah Stane anyone? lol)